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Pure, Premium, Uncompromisingly Sustainable.


Everything in life is connected.

We believe that everything in life is connected.  Starting from the mountain tops in the Thunderbird’s nest, and flowing as water down to the forests, the wildlife and the fish which have sustained the Uchucklesaht people since the beginning of time.


Water has played an integral part in the tribe’s culture and heritage. As the tribe and its people continue to protect and conserve the over 1,900 hectares of pristine lands surrounding Hucuktlis [Ho-Chuck-lis] Lake.  We now share our story with the world by sharing the one resource which has been with us every step of the way. This is the groundwork for the Thunderbird Water Company - as crafted by the people of the Uchucklesaht Tribe.

Award Winning Source

Thunderbird Spirit Water comes from a premium and exclusive source located in the temperate rainforest belt along the Pacific Northwest coast of Canadas’ glacier mountains.

Our award winning spring water has a fresh, clean, pure taste, making it one of the world’s most exclusive brands.



Superior Water Quality

Our superior water quality is reflected in our earthy luxury design of rolling frosted mountains.  We are a world-class lifestyle brand for health-conscious individuals who lead an active and healthy life, in style. 


Our water comes from a premium and exclusive source located in the temperate rainforest belt along the Pacific Northwest coast of Canadas’ glacier mountains.


TDS | 44 ppm


Our water is one of the purest spring waters in the world and has a light, fresh, pure, clean taste, making it one of the world’s most exclusive brands.


pH | 7.5


Our design is inspired by the Thunderbird and the five mountain peaks surrounding the T’iitsk’in [teet-skin] Spring. Our award winning boxed water design.


NITRATE | 0.00


The “Virginality” of the water is superior with a Nitrate test of 0.00.  Virginality indicates how protected a water is from its surroundings.

Water Analysis

Our water is tested and examined for inorganics, nutrients and microbiology by Health Canada licensed and certified testing facilities.  We exceed each category by legislated drinking water standards.


We guarantee the integrity of all Thunderbird Spirit Water products with a unique batch stamp and date code.  In fact, the water quality is tested every 30 minutes throughout production and in accordance with IBWA bottled water standards.


Our premium water undergoes zero manipulation by any mechanical or industrial intervention.  The natural processes of the aquifer creates a perfectly balanced alkaline state


Glass Line

The design of our still and sparkling 750 mL glass bottles add a bit of elegance to any dining occasion.  The clear flint glass, perfectly illuminates the Canadian Maple Leaf visible through the powerful wings of the Thunderbird rising above the five mountain peaks.  The monochromatic color scheme is suitable for any venue or event.

10L Boxed Water

This new, more sustainable format gives our customers the same premium spring water found in our classic glass bottles, just more of it. 


Made with sustainability in mind, this format uses 85% less plastic than 10 Litres of water packaged in 500ml bottles. The box is 100% fully recyclable with less waste and less trips to the store.

Our gold and silver award winning design is one of the world’s most exclusive brands.

Ways To Enjoy

Our 10 Litre Box is perfect for week-long hydration or more for the whole family. Each box fills 40 (8oz) glasses and fits comfortably in the fridge and on any countertop, making it the ultimate in more-sustainably made hydration for busy people at home or on the go.


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Made with sustainability in mind, this format uses 85% less plastic than 10 Litres of water packaged in 500ml bottles. The box is 100% fully recyclable with less waste and less trips

to the store.


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Award Winning Design

Our new 10L boxed water, celebrates our Indigenous artists.

KILLER WHALE BREACHING was designed by Uchucklesaht artist Matthew Titian and depicts the Thunderbird bringing the killer whale to Hucuktlis [Ho-Chuck-lis] Lake.


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